Self-amputating bot

Researchers at Yale University have developed a robot capable of melting its own limbs off to escape hazards.

Flying like a beetle

The flapping microrobot takes flight with passive deploying-retracting wings. Credit: 2024 EPFL/Hoang-Vu Phan

Researchers at EPFL in Switzerland have discovered that beetles’ hindwings are passively deployed and retracted, inspiring new designs for flying microrobots.

New snail-inspired robot can climb walls

Researchers at the University of Bristol in the UK have developed a snail-inspired robot with a sliding suction mechanism for efficient wall-climbing and high-load carrying capabilities.

Blood diagnostics modelled on leeches

Researchers at ETH Zurich in Switzerland have developed a new, less invasive blood sampling device inspired by leeches, aiming to enhance diagnostic accuracy and patient comfort.

VIDEO: Festo unveil BionicBee

German automation giant Festo have revealed their latest biomimicry project, BionicBee, complete with wings beating back and forth at 15 to 20 hertz.

Drone recharges by docking on power lines

German marine tech company EvoLogistics have unveiled the next version of their penquin bot, Quadroin, which can reach speeds of up to 10 knots, conduct acoustic seafloor mapping and livestream footage.

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