From Superinnovators 16/09/23. Note: This article is in TLDR (Too Long Didn’t Read) format which is popular in the innovation community and provides a bullet summary of information.

Credit: NamX/Pininfarina
Credit: NamX/Pininfarina
Credit: NamX/Pininfarina
Credit: NamX/Pininfarina
Credit: NamX/Pininfarina
Credit: NamX/Pininfarina
Credit: NamX/Pininfarina
Credit: NamX/Pininfarina
Credit: NamX/Pininfarina

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One Response

  1. Like for other such “superinnovators”, the product here is the company itself, not what it makes, since the investors mainly intend to make money by re-selling their shares (to another VC or the public through an IPO). Therefore, nobody cares about the fact that this car will never exist. In fact, there is no credible solution for these “cartridges” (High pressure tanks would weight about 100 kg per cartridge, metal hydrides even more, carbon nanotubes are unstable and liquid hydrides release contaminated H2.). Toyota, Hyundai and a few others invested dozens of billions in R&D before choosing their tank concept. Here, the co-founders do not even try to explain why and how they could do better with a few millions: they just bet that a few nice pics & vids from a car designer will be enough to sell silly people an expensive dream.
    So let’s wait a few more years (or months?) until the Ponzi scheme collapses. Just like Hopium.

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