New carbon storage technology is fastest of its kind

Carbon capturing hydrates created in Vaibhav Bahadur's lab. CREDIT The University of Texas at Austin

Researchers at The University of Texas at Austin, USA, have developed a faster, chemical-free method for carbon capture using carbon dioxide hydrates, promising significant advances in global carbon storage efforts.

‘Time-traveling’ pathogens in melting permafrost pose likely risk to ecosystems

From FLINDERS UNIVERSITY 01/08/23 Climate change could hasten the release of ‘time-travelling’ pathogens from melting permafrost and ice that have been trapped for millennia. Their emergence increases threats to the global environment and even humanity itself. While melting glaciers and permafrost risk the re-emergence of many types of dormant pathogens, the potential destruction to modern […]

Device makes hydrogen from sunlight with record efficiency

By RICE UNIVERSITY 26/07/23 Rice University engineers can turn sunlight into hydrogen with record-breaking efficiency thanks to a device that combines next-generation halide perovskite semiconductors with electrocatalysts in a single, durable, cost-effective and scalable device. The new technology is a significant step forward for clean energy and could serve as a platform for a wide […]

Collecting energy from raindrops using solar panel technology

From TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY PRESS 21/07/23 When raindrops fall from the sky, they can produce a small amount of energy that can be harvested and turned into electricity. It is a small-scale version of hydropower, which uses the kinetic energy of moving water to produce electricity. Researchers have proposed that the energy collected from raindrops could […]

Innovators make common pain killers from pine trees instead of crude oil

From UNIVERSITY OF BATH 07/07/2023 Common drugs such as paracetamol and ibuprofen can be made from a chemical from pine trees instead of crude oil products. A team of scientists, from the University of Bath’s Department of Chemistry and Institute for Sustainability have found a way to create two of the world’s most common painkillers, paracetamol and […]

Giant whoopee cushion wave energy system

By Charles Carter, 17/10/22 Australian startup Bombora has developed a pneumatic wave energy system called mWave comprising a series of giant whoopee cushion-like air sacs deployed under water. They say their approach is less complex than other wave energy converters reducing cost and wave energy is more predictable than wind and solar. The company began […]

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