Underground cave found on moon

Image of the entrance to the moon cave. Credit: NASA/University of Trento

Scientists at the University of Trento, Italy, have discovered an underground lava tube on the Moon, marking a significant milestone in lunar exploration.

Could fiber optic cable help scientists probe the deep layers of the moon?

In a recent publication in Seismological Research Letters, Wenbo Wu and colleagues from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute propose the innovative deployment of a fiber optic seismic network on the Moon, aiming to unveil the mysteries of its deep core structure by overcoming significant challenges and utilising data from past Apollo missions.

SwRI scientists identify water molecules on asteroids for the first time

Southwest Research Institute scientists have utilised data from the retired Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) to make the groundbreaking discovery of water molecules on the surface of an asteroid, a finding that could enhance our understanding of water distribution in the solar system and its implications for life beyond Earth.

Airless: Hyper-deformable lunar wheel uses complex system of 192 mini cables

From Venturi 06/10/23. Released 19/06/23. Title by Superinnovators On Monday 19 June [2023], Venturi Group presented its latest invention at the international Paris Air Show in Le Bourget, France: a hyper-deformable lunar wheel. Venturi Lab designed and manufactured the wheel using materials it created. The Venturi wheel is a world first. A turning point in […]

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