New detector unlocks large-scale optical neural networks: Faster and energy-efficient

From Optica 25/08/23 Faster, energy-efficient diffractive ONN could be used for image and video processing For the first time, researchers have used a surface normal nonlinear photodetector (SNPD) to improve the speed and energy efficiency of a diffractive optical neural network (ONN). The new device lays the groundwork for large-scale ONNs, which can perform high-speed […]

Deep sea internet cable used to track sea ice extent in the Arctic

From Seismological Society of America 18/08/23 A telecommunications fiber optic cable deployed offshore of Oliktok Point, Alaska recorded ambient seismic noise that can be used to finely track the formation and retreat of sea ice in the area, researchers report in The Seismic Record. Andres Felipe Peña Castro of the University of New Mexico and […]

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