Neurons help flush waste out of brain during sleep

Scientists at Washington University School of Medicine have discovered that brain waves play a crucial role in flushing out waste from the brain during sleep, potentially offering insights into preventing neurological diseases.

UW-Madison researchers first to 3D-print functional human brain tissue

From University of Wisconsin–Madison 13/02/24 A team of University of Wisconsin–Madison scientists has developed the first 3D-printed brain tissue that can grow and function like typical brain tissue. It’s an achievement with important implications for scientists studying the brain and working on treatments for a broad range of neurological and neurodevelopmental disorders, such as Alzheimer’s […]

New technology lets researchers track brain cells’ “off switches”

From Scripps Research 30/01/24 For decades, scientists have studied the intricate activity patterns in human and animal brains by observing when different groups of brain cells turn on. Equally important to understanding the brain and related diseases, however, is knowing how long those neurons stay active and when they turn off again. Now, scientists at […]

Riding sound waves in the brain

From ETH Zurich 28/12/23 Brain tumours, brain haemorrhages and neurological and psychological conditions are often hard to treat with medication. And even when effective drugs are available, these tend to have severe side effects because they circulate throughout the brain and not just the area they are meant to treat. In light of this situation, […]

New source of stem cells in injury-affected brains of patients

From Helmholtz Munich 18/12/23 Researchers from Helmholtz Munich and the LMU have discovered that, in the case of brain injuries, specific cells in the brain become active in disease situations, exhibiting properties of neural stem cells. The authors further discovered that a specific protein regulates these cells and hence could function as a target for […]

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