Mind-bending concentric pyramid art installation in Abu Dhabi

From Superinnovators 15/12/23 US artist Jim Denevan’s Self Similar art installation in Fahid Island, Abu Dhabi, consists of 448 three-sided pyramids and mounds, and 1000 lanterns, arranged in concentric circles. The sand installation opened on 21st Nov and is part of Public Art Abu Dhabi’s light art exhibition Manar Abu Dhabi which will run until […]

Immersive art: Your AI-adjusted shadow becomes part of enchanting story

From Superinnovators 07/08/23 Joonyong Moon, an esteemed artist and technician, is pushing the boundaries of interactive media art with his innovative Augmented Shadow series. His work, which merges the realms of technology and art, has been captivating audiences with its unique blend of storytelling and immersive experiences. The Augmented Shadow series, which implements augmented reality […]

Plant-controlled machete

By Charles Carter, 04/10/22 Innovator artist David Bowen has enabled a living philodendron houseplant to control the movements of a robotic machete through the plant’s electrical signals. The piece poses the interesting question – if it were possible, should we be arming the natural world so it can protect itself against destruction? The installation was […]

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