Bees and wasps independently invent the same architectural tricks

From AUBURN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS 28/07/23 At first glance, the hexagonal cells build by honey bees and social wasps may seem similar, but they are significantly different. Honey bees build using wax, whereas wasps use paper. Honey bees build their double-sided combs vertically, whereas wasps build single-sided comb horizontally (i.e., the opening […]

Hunting down moth pests with drones

By SOCIETY FOR EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY 07/07/2023 Researchers have been testing real-life Batman-style gadgets to eradicate moth pests from greenhouses, including bat-inspired flying drones that hunt down and destroy moths – but new research reveals that the noise from drones can alter moth flight behaviour. “The idea of using drones as an alternative solution to eliminating […]

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