Wing blade track promises wind energy at 1/3 cost

From Superinnovators 08/12/23 US company Airloom Energy, supported by Bill Gates’s Breakthrough Energy Ventures, has developed a wind energy harvester with a novel design featuring vertical wings on an oval track, a stark contrast to traditional turbines. This innovative setup, unveiled last week, aims to significantly lower wind power costs, potentially to one-third of current […]

Floating offshore wind could bring billions in value to the west coast, report shows

From DOE/Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 27/10/23 A new report from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory shows that along a 200-mile stretch of ocean off the coast of southern Oregon and northern California, floating wind farms could potentially triple the Pacific Northwest’s wind power capacity while offsetting potentially billions of dollars in costs for utilities, ratepayers, insurance […]

Repurposing wind turbine blades for bridge construction

From Superinnovators 26/10/23. This article is in TLDR (Too Long Didn’t Read) format which is popular in the innovation community and provides a bullet summary of information. More info You may also be curious about:

SwRI’s modular dam design could accelerate the adoption of renewable energy

From Southwest Research Institute 22/10/23 Southwest Research Institute has developed a new modular steel buttress dam system designed to resolve energy storage issues hindering the integration of renewable resources into the energy mix. The m-Presa™ modular steel buttress dam system facilitates the rapid construction of paired reservoir systems for grid-scale energy storage and generation using […]

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