Back to the future: Weizmann Institute scientists develop the first method to measure cellular changes in the body over time

From Weizmann Institute of Science 25/01/24 While physicists continue to argue about whether time is indeed an illusion, as Albert Einstein claimed, biologists have no doubt about its significance for understanding life as a dynamic system. In recent years, they have been gaining an increasingly deeper understanding of complex biological systems using tools enabling the […]

Early life gene epimutation may cause breast cancer.

From The University of Bergen 24/12/23 Research reveals that around 20 per cent of all cases of the most severe form of breast cancer may arise from the small group of normal tissue cells carrying an epimutation of a specific gene. Cancer is a major health challenge worldwide, affecting many lives. Despite progress in understanding […]

Innovators successfully maneuver robot through living lung tissue

From University of North Carolina Health Care 26/09/23 Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States. Some tumors are extremely small and hide deep within lung tissue, making it difficult for surgeons to reach them. To address this challenge, UNC –Chapel Hill and Vanderbilt University researchers have been working on […]

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