Origami-inspired robots could make repairs in space

Mori3 robot inspired by origami. Credit: Christoph Belke/EPFL RRL

From Superinnovators 07/11/23. This article is in TLDR (Too Long Didn’t Read) format which is popular in the innovation community and provides a bullet summary of information. More info EPFL website article You may also be curious about:

Autonomous drones deliver parts to wind turbines, faster and greener

From Superinnovators 07/11/23. This article is in TLDR (Too Long Didn’t Read) format which is popular in the innovation community and provides a bullet summary of information. More info Ørsted website article Windpower Monthly news Orsted company profile Wikipedia You may also be curious about:

Innovators develop technology to tabulate and characterize every cell in the human brain

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New technology for customized air purification of toxic gases

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Look mom, no hands! Honda develops UNI-ONE hands-free mobility device

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Revolutionizing energy storage: Metal nanoclusters for stable lithium–sulfur batteries

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Bionic hand successfully integrates with user’s body, functions for years.

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Plasma technology transforms microalgae for faster wound healing

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Mimicking ‘plant power’ through artificial photosynthesis

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Finally off mute? New technology could reduce lag for online gamers and work calls

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