Sustainable data storage: DNA movable-type system slashes costs

From Engineering 25/09/23 In a groundbreaking study published in Engineering, researchers have developed a revolutionary method for data storage using DNA. The paper titled “Engineering DNA Materials for Sustainable Data Storage Using a DNA Movable-Type System” introduces a novel approach that utilizes DNA fragments, referred to as “DNA movable types,” for data writing, thereby eliminating […]

Shifting shades: Colour-changing eco-paint cools buildings in summer, warms in winter

From American Chemical Society 21/09/23 As summer turns to fall, many people will be turning off the air conditioning and firing up heaters instead. But traditional heating and cooling systems are energy intensive, and because they typically run on fossil fuels, they aren’t sustainable. Now, by mimicking a desert-dwelling chameleon, a team reporting in ACS’ […]

Revolutionising lithium production on a string

From Princeton University, Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment 11/09/23 A vital component of the batteries at the heart of electric vehicles and grid energy storage, lithium is key to a clean energy future. But producing the silvery-white metal comes with significant environmental costs. Among them is the vast amount of land and time […]

Lithium recovery: Greener, safer, cheaper recycling method created

From Wiley 06/09/23 Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) provide our portable devices like tablets and mobiles—and increasingly also vehicles—with power. As the share of volatile renewable energy needing electricity storage increases, more and more LIBs are needed, lithium prices rise, resources dwindle, and the amount of depleted batteries that contain toxic substances increases. In the journal Angewandte […]

Papertronics: Eco-friendly computer components made entirely of paper could tackle e-waste

From Binghamton University 29/08/23 Imagine if you could build an electronic device made entirely of paper. A nontoxic, cost-effective and biodegradable alternative to silicon- and plastic-based components would be a game-changer for a planet quickly filling up with the “e-waste” of discarded gadgets and single-use sensors.   That’s the vision of Binghamton University Professor Seokheun […]

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