One small material, one giant leap for life on Mars: Sussex research takes us a step closer to sustaining human life on the red planet

From University of Sussex 09/01/24 Researchers at the University of Sussex have discovered the transformative potential of Martian nanomaterials, potentially opening the door to sustainable habitation on the red planet. Using resources and techniques currently applied on the International Space Station and by NASA, Dr Conor Boland, a Lecturer in Materials Physics at the University […]
Meteorites likely source of nitrogen for early Earth

From Kyoto University 02/12/23 Micrometeorites originating from icy celestial bodies in the outer Solar System may be responsible for transporting nitrogen to the near-Earth region in the early days of our solar system. That discovery was published today in Nature Astronomy by an international team of researchers, including University of Hawai’i at Mānoa scientists, led […]