Mapping affection: Where in the body do we feel love?

From Aalto University 21/09/23 Researchers at Aalto University have made a map of where in the body different types of love are felt and how strongly they are experienced. ‘It was noteworthy, though not very surprising, that the types of love associated with close relationships are similar and are the most strongly experienced,’ says philosopher […]

Digitising smell: AI describes odor from molecules better than humans

From Monell Chemical Senses Center 03/09/23 A main crux of neuroscience is learning how our senses translate light into sight, sound into hearing, food into taste, and texture into touch.  Smell is where these sensory relationships get more complex and perplexing.  To address this question, a research team co-led by the Monell Chemical Senses Center and start-up Osmo, […]

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