New open-source platform cuts costs for running AI

From Cornell University 22/12/23 Cornell University researchers have released a new, open-source platform called Cascade that can run artificial intelligence models in a way that slashes expenses and energy costs while dramatically improving performance. Cascade is designed for settings like smart traffic intersections, medical diagnostics, equipment servicing using augmented reality, digital agriculture, smart power grids […]

New easy-to-use optical chip can self-configure to perform various functions

From Optica 23/10/23 Researchers have developed an easy-to-use optical chip that can configure itself to achieve various functions. The positive real-valued matrix computation they have achieved gives the chip the potential to be used in applications requiring optical neural networks. Optical neural networks can be used for a variety of data-heavy tasks such as image […]

Study confirms age of oldest fossil human footprints in North America

From U.S. Geological Survey 16/10/23 The 2021 results began a global conversation that sparked public imagination and incited dissenting commentary throughout the scientific community as to the accuracy of the ages. “The immediate reaction in some circles of the archeological community was that the accuracy of our dating was insufficient to make the extraordinary claim […]

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