Ants help reveal why sourcing different plants for eco fuels is crucial for biodiversity

From Frontiers 02/02/24 Despite being a renewable energy source, the use of biofuel is controversial, as growing few, highly productive crops for fuel can lead to biodiversity loss in the cropping systems where biomass is produced. A cropping system refers to the crops, their sequence, and the management practices on a given field. Now, researchers […]

Revolutionizing energy storage: Metal nanoclusters for stable lithium–sulfur batteries

From  Tokyo University of Science 27/10/23 The demand for efficient energy storage systems is ever increasing, especially due to the recent emergence of intermittent renewable energy and the adoption of electric vehicles. In this regard, lithium–sulfur batteries (LSBs), which can store three to five times more energy than traditional lithium-ion batteries, have emerged as a […]

Floating offshore wind could bring billions in value to the west coast, report shows

From DOE/Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 27/10/23 A new report from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory shows that along a 200-mile stretch of ocean off the coast of southern Oregon and northern California, floating wind farms could potentially triple the Pacific Northwest’s wind power capacity while offsetting potentially billions of dollars in costs for utilities, ratepayers, insurance […]

SwRI’s modular dam design could accelerate the adoption of renewable energy

From Southwest Research Institute 22/10/23 Southwest Research Institute has developed a new modular steel buttress dam system designed to resolve energy storage issues hindering the integration of renewable resources into the energy mix. The m-Presa™ modular steel buttress dam system facilitates the rapid construction of paired reservoir systems for grid-scale energy storage and generation using […]

So long, silicon? Breakthrough unlocks cheaper, lighter perovskite solar cells

From University of Surrey 25/09/23 A scientific breakthrough brings mass production of the next generation of cheaper and lighter perovskite solar cells one step closer thanks to researchers at the University of Surrey’s Advanced Technology Institute (ATI). A nanoscale ‘ink’ coating of aluminium oxide on metal halide perovskite improves the potential of this emerging photovoltaic […]

Upcycling plastics into liquids that can store hydrogen energy

From Nanyang Technological University 15/09/23 Scientists from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) have created a process that can upcycle most plastics into chemical ingredients useful for energy storage, using light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and a commercially available catalyst, all at room temperature. The new process is very energy-efficient and can be easily powered by renewable energy in […]

New redox flow battery could store grid scale green energy more cheaply

From University of Cincinnati 09/09/23 Redox-flow battery eliminates costly and inefficient membrane. Jimmy Jiang envisions a future where every house is powered by renewable energy stored in batteries. In his chemistry lab, Jiang and his students at the University of Cincinnati have created a new battery that could have profound implications for the large-scale energy […]

The dynamic duo: Integrating silicon and perovskite solar tech boosts efficiency and resilience

From  Princeton University 06/09/23 While conventional silicon-based solar cells have had an unmistakable impact on the buildout of renewable energy resources around the world, additional performance improvements have become increasingly difficult to make as the devices approach their practical efficiency limits. This constraint has prompted scientists to seek out new technologies that can be combined […]

Sponging up the sun: New roadmap for green hydrogen production from photocatalysis

From Tsinghua University Press 04/09/23 Metal organic frameworks (MOFs) could deliver a major efficiency boost to the photocatalytic production of clean hydrogen. Chemical engineers have drafted a comprehensive overview of the state of their field and a plan for where it needs to focus. Clean hydrogen production remains an energy-intensive and therefore costly proposition, inhibiting […]

New low-energy carbon capture system for industrial emissions

From American Chemical Society 01/09/23 Carbon capture is a promising method to help slow climate change. With this approach, carbon dioxide (CO­­2) is trapped before it escapes into the atmosphere, but the process requires a large amount of energy and equipment. Now, researchers reporting in ACS Central Science have designed a capture system using an electrochemical cell […]

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