Paper cups are just as toxic as plastic cups

From University of Gothenburg 28/08/23 Replacing single use plastic cups with paper ones is problematic. Researchers at the University of Gothenburg show that a paper cup that ends up in nature can also cause damage as they also contain toxic chemicals. Reports of plastics pollution contaminating all parts of the Earth and in all living […]

Oceans release microplastics into the atmosphere

From University of Oldenburg 21/08/23 Microplastic particles are present in the marine atmosphere even in remote parts of the world. These tiny particles come from land sources but are also re-emitted into the atmosphere from the sea, a study by a team of German and Norwegian researchers led by Dr Barbara Scholz-Böttcher of the University […]

Innovators turn dead flies into degradable bioplastics

From American Chemical Society 15/08/23 Imagine using insects as a source of chemicals to make plastics that can biodegrade later — with the help of that very same type of bug. That concept is closer to reality than you might expect. Today, researchers will describe their progress to date, including isolation and purification of insect-derived […]

Ocean Cleanup unveils System 03: Three times bigger

By Charles Carter, 30/09/22 Non-profit foundation The Ocean Cleanup has unveiled a concept of the third iteration of its ocean rubbish collection system which is three times bigger than its previous contraption. They have so far harvested over 100k kilograms of plastic from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP) with System 002, but their models […]

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