Researchers extend non-line-of-sight imaging towards longer wavelengths

From Optica 07/12/23 Emerging technologies for non-line-of-sight imaging can detect objects even if they are around a corner or behind a wall. In new work, researchers use a new type of detector to extend this method from visible light into near and mid-infrared wavelengths, an advance that could be especially useful for unmanned vehicles, robotic […]
New detector unlocks large-scale optical neural networks: Faster and energy-efficient

From Optica 25/08/23 Faster, energy-efficient diffractive ONN could be used for image and video processing For the first time, researchers have used a surface normal nonlinear photodetector (SNPD) to improve the speed and energy efficiency of a diffractive optical neural network (ONN). The new device lays the groundwork for large-scale ONNs, which can perform high-speed […]