Neurons help flush waste out of brain during sleep

Scientists at Washington University School of Medicine have discovered that brain waves play a crucial role in flushing out waste from the brain during sleep, potentially offering insights into preventing neurological diseases.

New technology lets researchers track brain cells’ “off switches”

From Scripps Research 30/01/24 For decades, scientists have studied the intricate activity patterns in human and animal brains by observing when different groups of brain cells turn on. Equally important to understanding the brain and related diseases, however, is knowing how long those neurons stay active and when they turn off again. Now, scientists at […]

Does a brain in a dish have moral rights?

From Cortical Labs 20/09/23 No longer limited to the realm of science fiction, bio-computing is here, so now is the time to start considering how to research and apply this technology responsibly, an international group of experts says. The inventors of DishBrain have partnered with bioethicists and medical researchers to map such a framework to […]

Tiny sea creatures reveal the ancient origins of neurons

From Center for Genomic Regulation 20/09/23 A study in the journal Cell sheds new light on the evolution of neurons, focusing on the placozoans, a millimetre-sized marine animal. Researchers at the Centre for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona find evidence that specialized secretory cells found in these unique and ancient creatures may have given rise to […]

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