SpinLaunch tests NASA and Airbus payloads

By Charles Carter, 12/10/22 US startup SpinLaunch has tested NASA, Airbus, Cornell University and Outpost payloads in the latest flight of their 10,000G electric powered centrifuge launch system. This was the tenth flight test of their 200kg-class satellite launcher, taking place on 27th September, although it was first time partner payloads have been mounted to […]

Lightweight multi-purpose robot tractor

By Charles Carter, 11/10/22 Norwegian startup Autoagri has developed a lightweight, multi-purpose robot tractor that aims to reduce costs, soil compaction and carbon footprint. The company unveiled their IC-Series machine in May last year, taking orders for pilot units for use in agriculture and other sectors in October 2021. How does it work? The IC-Series […]

Sustainable vegan cactus leather

By Charles Carter, 10/10/22 Mexican startup Desserto has created a sustainable vegan leather made from cactus proteins and fibres. As well being a no-slaughter leather, the company claims the nopal cactus needs no irrigation water, is a very efficient natural carbon sink and doesn’t pollute waterways like the conventional leather industry. How does it work? […]

Hull cleaning bot: lowers emissions and protects biodiversity

By Charles Carter, 08/10/22 South Korean startup SLM has created a cleaning bot, CHIRO, that removes the build up of plants and organisms on a ship’s hull, reducing friction, lowering emissions and protecting biodiversity. Known as biofouling, the accumulation of aquatic species is a major cause of bio invasions as ships transfer organisms across the […]

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