Tracking molecules at turbo speed

From University of Bonn 20/01/24 Being able to observe micro-organisms and their cellular components is key to understanding fundamental processes that go on inside cells—and thus potentially developing new medical treatments. Microbiologists and biophysicists from the University of Bonn and Wageningen University and Research have now developed a method that makes the high-throughput process for […]

A single-celled microbe is helping corals survive climate change, study finds

From University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science 15/01/24 A Single-Celled Microbe is Helping Corals Survive Climate Change, Study Finds New research highlights the role of microorganisms in protecting corals from heat-stress Researchers discovered for the first time a single-celled microbe that can help corals survive ocean-warming events like bleaching. The […]

‘Oil-eating’ microbes reshape droplets to accelerate oil spill cleanup

From American Association for the Advancement of Science/AAAS 21/08/23 “Oil-eating” Alcanivorax borkumensis bacteria form “dendritic” biofilms that reshape oil droplets to speed up the rate of consumption, researchers report. The findings reveal how this particular bacterium optimizes oil biodegradation and consumption. Obligately hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria (OHCB) survive by consuming hydrocarbons as a sole carbon and energy […]

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