Marine heat waves trigger shift in hatch dates and early growth of Pacific cod

From Oregon State University 28/01/24 Marine heat waves appear to trigger earlier reproduction, high mortality in early life stages and fewer surviving juvenile Pacific cod in the Gulf of Alaska, a new study from Oregon State University shows. These changes in the hatch cycle and early growth patterns persisted in years following the marine heat […]

Device ‘smells’ seawater to discover, detect novel molecules

From American Chemical Society 21/11/23 Under the ocean’s surface, marine organisms are constantly releasing invisible molecules. Some of the chemical clues reveal which creatures are nearby, while others could be used someday as medications. Now, researchers in ACS Central Science report a proof-of-concept device that “sniffs” seawater, trapping dissolved compounds for analyses. The team showed […]

Barnacle bends shape to fend off warm-water sea snails on the move

From University of Southampton 10/11/23 Some barnacles are ‘morphing’ to protect themselves from predatory warm-water sea snails, which are expanding into their territory due to climate change. Research led by the University of Southampton and published in the Journal of Biogeography shows how temperate prey species are adapting to changing water temperatures, which carry the […]

New find: Glitter makeup toxic to aquatic organisms

From Estado de São Paulo 23/08/23 A study conducted by researchers affiliated with the University of São Paulo (USP) in Brazil concluded that particles of glitter can hinder the growth of organisms at the base of aquatic ecosystems, such as cyanobacteria (blue-green algae), which play a key role in the biogeochemical cycles of water and […]

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