A dynamic picture of how we respond to high or low oxygen levels

From Gladstone Institutes 13/12/23 It only takes holding your breath for slightly too long to understand that too little oxygen is bad for you. But can you also have too much? Indeed, breathing air with a higher oxygen level than your body needs can cause health problems or even death. But with scant research on […]

Humans strike back: Radiologists outperform AI in detecting lung diseases from chest X-rays

From Radiological Society of North America 28/09/23 In a study of more than 2,000 chest X-rays, radiologists outperformed AI in accurately identifying the presence and absence of three common lung diseases, according to a study published in Radiology, a journal of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). “Chest radiography is a common diagnostic tool, […]

Innovators successfully maneuver robot through living lung tissue

From University of North Carolina Health Care 26/09/23 Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States. Some tumors are extremely small and hide deep within lung tissue, making it difficult for surgeons to reach them. To address this challenge, UNC –Chapel Hill and Vanderbilt University researchers have been working on […]

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