Tropical plant native to China reveals anti-obesity potential

From OSAKA METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY 07/08/23 Obesity, a major risk factor for various lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and hypertension has become widespread worldwide, inherently demanding innovative solutions to combat it. A multi-institutional research group led by Associate Professor Akiko Kojima of the Graduate School of Human Life and Ecology at Osaka Metropolitan University, has made […]

StreamEXO: a new exoskeleton for railway maintenance workers

By ISTITUTO ITALIANO DI TECNOLOGIA 25/07/23 Genoa (Italy), 21st July 2023 – A back support exoskeleton has been developed at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italian Institute of Technology – IIT) to improve railway workers’ safety and conditions for heavy manual material handling during maintenance and renewal operations. The prototype, named STREAMEXO, was validated in […]

New scanning methods can detect deadly heart condition before symptoms appear

By UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON 25/07/23 Combining two types of heart scan techniques could help doctors to detect the deadly heart condition hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) before symptoms and signs on conventional tests appear, according to a new study led by UCL researchers. The research, funded by the British Heart Foundation and published in the journal Circulation, […]

Smiles all round: Bone mineral toothpaste can prevent cavities as effectively as fluoride

By Angharad Brewer Gillham, Frontiers science writer 18/07/2023 Brushing twice a day keeps the dentist away – but can we improve on the toothpaste we use to maintain clean teeth, preventing medical issues that spiral from poor dental health? Most toothpastes use fluoride, a powerful tool for oral hygiene. However, fluoride can pose health problems […]

3D embryo holograms may boost IVF success

From UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE 10/07/2023 In a world-first, 3D holographic images of an embryo have been developed as part of a collaborative research project between the University of Adelaide and University of St Andrews. The images are created using miniscule amounts of light in a fraction of a second. The team, led by Dr Kylie […]

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