Gotcha! New tech finds food contamination in 1 hour compared with 2 days previously

From Osaka Metropolitan University 14/09/23 It is said that there is waste in haste, but researchers from Osaka Metropolitan University have proven that doing things rapidly does not necessarily mean working ineffectively. A research group led by Professor Hiroshi Shiigi at the Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Metropolitan University has developed a technology that can […]

Boars, bombs, and Chernobyl: Germany’s radioactive wild pig puzzle

From American Chemical Society 04/09/23 Shaggy-haired, tusked pigs roam free in the woods of Germany and Austria. Although these game animals look fine, some contain radioactive cesium at levels that render their meat unsafe to eat. Previously, scientists hypothesized that the contamination stemmed from the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident. But now, researchers in ACS’ Environmental […]

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