Gravity-powered automatic farm gate

From Superinnovators 04/01/24 Australian company Oz Autogate, founded in Warwick, Queensland in 1993, manufactures gravity-powered automatic farm gates that open vertically when vehicles drive onto an angled metal plate. The gate stays vertical for 7 seconds after the weight has left the ramps and closes within 20 seconds damped through the use of a hydraulic […]

Are you a grow-bot? AI drones to help farmers optimise vegetable harvests

A drone flies over a field.

From University of Tokyo 09/10/23 For reasons of food security and economic incentive, farmers continuously seek to maximize their marketable crop yields. As plants grow inconsistently, at the time of harvesting, there will inevitably be variations in quality and size of individual crops. Finding the optimal time to harvest is therefore a priority for farmers. […]

Hitch a ride: Engineered viruses carry pesticide to crop roots, more eco-friendly

From University of California – San Diego 26/09/23 A new form of agricultural pest control could one day take root—one that treats crop infestations deep under the ground in a targeted manner with less pesticide. Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed nanoparticles, fashioned from plant viruses, that can deliver pesticide molecules […]

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