Powered pants for easier hiking

Skip, a US-based company, have introduced MO/GO powered trousers to assist with elevation challenges during hiking.
Hiking exoskeleton to help you go further

Chinese startup Dnsys have so far secured over $52k in crowdfunding for their X1 powered exoskeleton for hikers, which aims to save 50% of your energy with a 25 km battery life, costing $599 each.
New personal exoskeleton unveiled to help wheelchair users walk around freely

From Superinnovators 27/12/23 French company Wandercraft, founded in 2012, has unveiled a battery-powered self-stablising personal exoskeleton that could help 30 million global wheelchair users to walk freely around their town or city. The exoskeleton was unveiled during a live event in New York City on December 13th, 2023 with pre-orders opening in early 2024. This […]
Wearable Chairless Chair provides seat wherever you go

From Superinnovators 20/12/23 Swiss startup Noonee has developed a wearable leg exoskeleton that fully supports the user in a seated position and allows them to switch between standing, walking and sitting in seconds. The less-than-3kg device is used in many settings such as automotive plants, electronics factories and farms to make manual work more productive […]
StreamEXO: a new exoskeleton for railway maintenance workers

By ISTITUTO ITALIANO DI TECNOLOGIA 25/07/23 Genoa (Italy), 21st July 2023 – A back support exoskeleton has been developed at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italian Institute of Technology – IIT) to improve railway workers’ safety and conditions for heavy manual material handling during maintenance and renewal operations. The prototype, named STREAMEXO, was validated in […]