Most accurate test to date developed to measure biological aging

From Karolinska Institutet 02/11/23 A team of European researchers has developed a new test that can accurately measure biological aging in a clinical setting. The discovery was made while studying patients for the aging effects of chronic kidney disease. The new test is an epigenetic clock – a type of biochemical assessment that looks at […]

Stop ageing: Innovators extend life of worms using DNA therapy

From Eötvös Loránd University 26/09/23 Researchers Dr. Ádám Sturm and Dr. Tibor Vellai from Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary have made an exciting breakthrough in understanding how we age. They focused on “transposable elements” (TEs), which are parts of DNA that can move around in our genetic code. When these TEs move too much, they destabilize […]

DNA’s memory lane: How historic trauma in Alaska native communities is passed on through epigenetics

From University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 09/09/23 Researchers investigated the relationship between historical traumatic events experienced by Alaska Native communities and epigenetic markers on genes that previous studies have linked to trauma. The new study found a similar pattern among Alaska Native participants, with specific epigenetic differences observed in those who reported experiencing the most […]

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