Microgreens made to order: Italian scientists have tailored iodine and potassium content of radishes, peas, rocket and chard

From Society of Chemical Industry 12/02/24 In a significant development for personalised nutrition, researchers in Italy have cultivated microgreens with bespoke nutritional profiles to serve individual dietary requirements. The study, published in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (doi: 10.1002/jsfa.13222), provides a blueprint for the soilless cultivation of nutritionally enriched plants in […]
Gene expression atlas captures where ovulation can go awry

From Cornell University 29/01/24 An interdisciplinary collaboration used a cutting-edge form of RNA tagging to map the gene expression that occurs during follicle maturation and ovulation in mice. The resulting atlas reveals a slew of previously unknown cellular and molecular interactions that drive ovulation, which is crucial for female fertility. The findings could prove pivotal […]
Insect populations flourish in the restored habitats of solar energy facilities

From DOE/Argonne National Laboratory 18/01/24 Bumblebees buzz from flower to flower, stopping for a moment under a clear blue Minnesota sky. Birds chirp, and tall grasses blow in the breeze. This isn’t a scene from a pristine nature preserve or national park. It is nestled between photovoltaic (PV) solar arrays on rehabilitated farmland. Researchers at […]
Commonly used herbicide is harmful to adolescent brain function

From University of California – San Diego 08/11/23 Herbicides are the most used class of pesticides worldwide, with uses in agriculture, homes and industry. Exposures to two of the most popular herbicides were associated with worse brain function among adolescents, according to a study led by researchers at the Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health […]
Innovators reconstruct speech from brain activity

From NYU Tandon School of Engineering 28/10/23 Speech production is a complex neural phenomenon that has left researchers explaining it tongue-tied. Separating out the complex web of neural regions controlling precise muscle movement in the mouth, jaw and tongue with the regions processing the auditory feedback of hearing your own voice is a complex problem, […]
Salty no more: Self-cleaning membranes dramatically improve desalination efficiency

From New York University Abu Dhabi 25/09/23 A team of NYU Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) researchers has developed a new kind of self-cleaning, hybrid membrane that provides a solution that overcomes significant challenges that have, until now, limited desalination technologies. The most energy-efficient desalination technologies are based on membrane desalination. However, the membranes used for desalination […]