New approach to hydrogen fuel cell manufacturing could reduce cost

From Penn State 14/08/23 A Penn State-led team of researchers developed a potentially promising approach to make fuel cells more affordable. The new method reduces the amount of platinum-group metal (PGM) loadings by replicating a process used in computer chip manufacturing. They published their results this week (July 24) in JACS Au, an open-access journal […]

Device makes hydrogen from sunlight with record efficiency

By RICE UNIVERSITY 26/07/23 Rice University engineers can turn sunlight into hydrogen with record-breaking efficiency thanks to a device that combines next-generation halide perovskite semiconductors with electrocatalysts in a single, durable, cost-effective and scalable device. The new technology is a significant step forward for clean energy and could serve as a platform for a wide […]

Collecting energy from raindrops using solar panel technology

From TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY PRESS 21/07/23 When raindrops fall from the sky, they can produce a small amount of energy that can be harvested and turned into electricity. It is a small-scale version of hydropower, which uses the kinetic energy of moving water to produce electricity. Researchers have proposed that the energy collected from raindrops could […]

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