Using overhead lines to power and recharge freight trucks

From Superinnovators 10/11/23. This article is in TLDR (Too Long Didn’t Read) format which is popular in the innovation community and provides a bullet summary of information. More info Siemens eHighway website USA demo Sweden demo German announcement on eWayBW You may also be curious about:

Shifting shades: Colour-changing eco-paint cools buildings in summer, warms in winter

From American Chemical Society 21/09/23 As summer turns to fall, many people will be turning off the air conditioning and firing up heaters instead. But traditional heating and cooling systems are energy intensive, and because they typically run on fossil fuels, they aren’t sustainable. Now, by mimicking a desert-dwelling chameleon, a team reporting in ACS’ […]

Innovators create simultaneous wireless power and data transfer via single radio freq., energy-efficient

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The dynamic duo: Integrating silicon and perovskite solar tech boosts efficiency and resilience

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Sponging up the sun: New roadmap for green hydrogen production from photocatalysis

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New detector unlocks large-scale optical neural networks: Faster and energy-efficient

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