Zero gravity spinning waterslide

By Charles Carter, 26/09/22 Engineering innovators at Aquapark Reda, Poland and German designers Wiegand.Waterides built a spinning waterslide that creates moments of weightlessness. The AquaSpinner slide opened in 2020 and was awarded 1st place for Europe’s Best New Water Slide as part of the European Star Awards 2020. How does it work? The slide is […]

Six-armed apple harvester

By Charles Carter, 25/09/22 Innovators at US startup are developing an automated apple harvester that uses computer vision and suction cups to pick almost 30 pieces of fruit a minute. They are transferring technology from their more established robotic strawberry picker to solve apple harvesting challenges, through a $460k 3-year R&D grant from the […]

Autonomous drifting DeLorean

By Charles Carter, 16/9/22 In 2019, innovators at Stanford University engineered a 1981 DeLorean with autonomous drifting capability to improve driver safety and collision avoidance. The idea is that when an autonomous car needs to make an emergency maneuver, such as swerving to avoid a pedestrian or another vehicle, use of expert drifting techniques could […]

Eco-friendly shampoo bottle made of soap

By Charles Carter, 14/9/22 Dutch innovators SOAPBOTTLE have developed a shampoo and shower gel bottle made from soap to help reduce plastic waste. The idea is that when you’ve finished with the liquid inside, you use up the soap packaging, until there’s none of it left. The startup team, consisting of three women and one […]

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