Barnacle bends shape to fend off warm-water sea snails on the move

From University of Southampton 10/11/23 Some barnacles are ‘morphing’ to protect themselves from predatory warm-water sea snails, which are expanding into their territory due to climate change. Research led by the University of Southampton and published in the Journal of Biogeography shows how temperate prey species are adapting to changing water temperatures, which carry the […]

Shocking: Inbreeding can be beneficial in the long run, for Reindeers at least

From Norwegian University of Science and Technology 28/09/23 “Of all the subspecies of reindeer found in the high north, the Svalbard reindeer has the most inbreeding and the lowest genetic diversity,” says Nicolas Dussex, a postdoc at Norwegian University of Science and Technology´s (NTNU) Department of Natural History. It was only 7000-8000 years ago that […]

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