Evidence of primordial black holes may be hiding in rocks on Earth

Study suggests small black holes born in the early universe may have left behind hollow planetoids and microscopic tunnels within rocks and old buildings.
Physicists discover first “black hole triple”

Physicists at MIT and Caltech in the USA have discovered the first black hole triple, indicating black holes can form without supernova explosions.
VIDEO: NASA shows what it’s like to be swallowed by a black hole

NASA have simulated and visualised the view of an astronaut entering the event horizon of a supermassive black hole with 4.3 million times the mass of our Sun, just like the behemoth at the center of our Milky Way galaxy.
Quantum tornado provides gateway to understanding black holes

A team from the University of Nottingham created a quantum vortex in superfluid helium, offering new insights into black hole behaviour and gravitational interactions.
Largest-ever map of universe’s active supermassive black holes released

Astronomers have unveiled a groundbreaking map documenting 1.3 million quasars, revealing the largest-ever volume of the universe, including regions as ancient as 1.5 billion years.