Sea fireflies synchronize their sparkle to seek soulmates

From Cornell University 06/12/23 In sea fireflies’ underwater ballet, the males sway together in perfect, illuminated synchronization, basking in the glow of their secreted iridescent mucus. “It’s extreme,” said Nicholai M. Hensley, a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Neurobiology and Behavior in the College of Arts and Sciences. “It’s an illustration of convergent evolution […]

Algae-powered bioluminescent soft robots

By Charles Carter, 22/09/22 Innovators from Jacobs School of Engineering, UC San Diego have developed soft robots that use bioluminescent algae to glow in the dark. They bots give off light when experiencing mechanical stress, such as being squished, stretched, twisted or bent e.g. when they swim around. They could have potential applications in dark […]

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