Pushing the boundaries of ultrasound imaging: breaking new ground with ultrafast technology

From Pohang University of Science & Technology (POSTECH) 23/01/24 Recently, high-speed video content capturing fleeting moments, such as bullets passing through glass, has captured people’s interest. What if we implement ultrasound used in medical examinations into high-speed video? A research team at POSTECH (Pohang University of Science and Technology) has solved the mystery of kidney […]

A tiny tattoo for a tabby

From Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo 17/01/24 If you’ve ever taken a car trip through a rural area, you might already know that livestock, including cows and sheep, can be individually tracked using decidedly old-fashioned methods, such as ear tags or even branding marks. By contrast, many tech-savvy pet owners have opted […]

Shock wave photographed passing through a single cell

From University of Tokyo 05/01/24 A microscopic shock wave has been photographed passing through a single biological cell, thanks to a new photography technique. Nanosecond photography uses ultrafast electronic cameras to take images at the speed of a billionth of a second. However, image quality and exposure time are typically limited. Now, a team led […]

Soundwaves harden 3D-printed treatments in deep tissues

From Duke University 20/12/23 Engineers at Duke University and Harvard Medical School have developed a bio-compatible ink that solidifies into different 3D shapes and structures by absorbing ultrasound waves. Because it responds to sound waves rather than light, the ink can be used in deep tissues for biomedical purposes ranging from bone healing to heart […]

MIT engineers design a robotic replica of the heart’s right chamber

From Massachusetts Institute of Technology 17/12/23 MIT engineers have developed a robotic replica of the heart’s right ventricle, which mimics the beating and blood-pumping action of live hearts. The robo-ventricle combines real heart tissue with synthetic, balloon-like artificial muscles that enable scientists to control the ventricle’s contractions while observing how its natural valves and other […]

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