Study on battery recycling shows China is in 1st place

From University of Münster 17/12/23 With the increase in the production of batteries for electric vehicles, demand is also rising for the necessary raw materials. In view of risks to the supply chain, environmental problems and precarious working conditions which are all associated with the mining and transportation of these materials, the recycling of battery […]

SMARTLETs: Self-assembling microrobotic modules that form complex artificial organisms

From Chemnitz University of Technology 26/10/23 It is now apparent that the mass-produced artefacts of technology in our increasingly densely populated world – whether electronic devices, cars, batteries, phones, household appliances, or industrial robots – are increasingly at odds with the sustainable bounded ecosystems achieved by living organisms based on cells over millions of years. […]

New redox flow battery could store grid scale green energy more cheaply

From University of Cincinnati 09/09/23 Redox-flow battery eliminates costly and inefficient membrane. Jimmy Jiang envisions a future where every house is powered by renewable energy stored in batteries. In his chemistry lab, Jiang and his students at the University of Cincinnati have created a new battery that could have profound implications for the large-scale energy […]

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