Clearing the air reduces suicide rates

Researchers from the United States and China have linked air pollution reduction to a significant decrease in suicide rates in China, suggesting a notable impact of environmental quality on mental health.

Cleaning products emit hundreds of hazardous chemicals, new analysis finds

From Environmental Working Group 15/09/23 A peer-reviewed study by Environmental Working Group scientists has found unsettling details about the potential health risks of common household cleaning products.  The study, published today in Chemosphere, analyzed 30 cleaning products, including multipurpose and glass cleaners, air fresheners and more. The study revealed that these everyday products may release hundreds […]

Lost in the haze: Bees struggle to sniff out flowers in polluted air

From University of Birmingham 13/09/23 A new study has found that air pollution is preventing pollinators finding flowers because it degrades the scent. A research team comprising the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH) and the Universities of Birmingham, Reading, Surrey and Southern Queensland, found that ozone substantially changes the size and scent of […]

Oceans release microplastics into the atmosphere

From University of Oldenburg 21/08/23 Microplastic particles are present in the marine atmosphere even in remote parts of the world. These tiny particles come from land sources but are also re-emitted into the atmosphere from the sea, a study by a team of German and Norwegian researchers led by Dr Barbara Scholz-Böttcher of the University […]

Clever coating turns lampshades into indoor air purifiers

From AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 18/08/23 Indoor air pollution may have met its match. Today, scientists will report that they have designed catalyst-coated lampshades that transform indoor air pollutants into harmless compounds. The lampshades work with halogen and incandescent light bulbs, and the team is extending the technology so it will also be compatible with LEDs. […]

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