Xpeng Aeroht tests multi-parachute system for its flying car

From Superinnovators 24/10/23. This article is in TLDR (Too Long Didn’t Read) format which is popular in the innovation community and provides a bullet summary of information. XPENG AEROHT's self-developed multi-parachute rescue system for ultra-low altitude flight has been successfully tested. #XPENGAEROHT #AviationInnovation #SafetyFirst #FlyingCar #Tech pic.twitter.com/aciuoZzIAX — XPENG AEROHT (@XPENG_AEROHT) October 20, 2023 More […]
Supercomputer used to predict clear air turbulence

From NAGOYA UNIVERSITY 13/07/2023 A research group from Nagoya University has accurately simulated air turbulence occurring on clear days around Tokyo using Japan’s fastest supercomputer. They then compared their findings with flight data to create a more accurate predictive model. The research was reported in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. Although air turbulence is usually associated […]
Switchblade: Three wheeler flying car

By Charles Carter, 01/11/22 US startup Samson Sky is developing a road worthy three wheeler car, called Switchblade, that can transform into a mini plane and take to the skies. After 14 years of development, the team has moved their prototype to a testing airport in the build up to the first flight which they […]