AI drone racing pilot beats human world champions

From University of Zurich 31/08/23 Remember when IBM’s Deep Blue won against Gary Kasparov at chess in 1996, or Google’s AlphaGo crushed the top champion Lee Sedol at Go, a much more complex game, in 2016? These competitions where machines prevailed over human champions are key milestones in the history of artificial intelligence. Now a […]

AI can tell chemical composition from sample images alone

From Hokkaido University 30/08/23 Machine learning model provides quick method for determining the composition of solid chemical mixtures using only photographs of the sample. Have you ever accidentally ruined a recipe in the kitchen by adding salt instead of sugar? Due to their similar appearance, it’s an easy mistake to make. Similarly, checking with the […]

AI speeds up Python code programs by thousands of times

From University of Massachusetts Amherst 29/08/23 A team of computer scientists at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, led by Emery Berger, recently unveiled a prize-winning Python profiler called Scalene.   Programs written with Python are notoriously slow—up to 60,000 times slower than code written in other programming languages—and Scalene works to efficiently identify exactly where […]

AI spots brain disorders by listening to someone talk

From Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences 25/08/23 A research team led by Prof. LI Hai from Hefei Institutes of Physical Science (HFIPS), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) concluded their research in AI-powered language assessment for cognitive and motor disorders field in a series of paper recently. Acoustic and linguistic features in […]

AI estimates rice yields from crop images

From Okayama University 24/08/23 With the rise in global demand for staple crop products projected to substantially increase by 2050 due to population growth, rising per capita income, and the growing use of biofuels, it is necessary to adopt sustainable agricultural intensification practices in existing croplands to meet this demand. However, estimation processes currently employed […]

Brain-Computer Interface and AI enable paralysed woman to talk again

From University of California – San Francisco 24/08/23 Researchers at UC San Francisco and UC Berkeley have developed a brain-computer interface (BCI) that has enabled a woman with severe paralysis from a brainstem stroke to speak through a digital avatar. It is the first time that either speech or facial expressions have been synthesized from […]

AI predicts throat and stomach cancers from health records

From University of Michigan 23/08/23 In the United States and other western countries, a form of esophageal and stomach cancer has risen dramatically over the last five decades. Rates of esophageal adenocarcinoma, or EAC, and gastric cardia adenocarcinoma, or GCA, are both highly fatal. However, Joel Rubenstein, M.D., M.S., a research scientist at the Lieutenant […]

AI eye scans detect Parkinson’s disease seven years before diagnosis

From University College London 22/08/23 Markers that indicate the presence of Parkinson’s disease in patients on average seven years before clinical presentation have been identified by a UCL and Moorfields Eye Hospital research team. This is the first time anyone has shown these findings several years before diagnosis, and these results were made possible by […]

Robot classroom: 23 bots learn how to sort office waste and recycling

From Superinnovators 22/08/23 In a groundbreaking experiment, Google’s research team has successfully deployed a fleet of 23 reinforcement learning (RL) enabled robots to sort waste and recycling in office buildings. The experiment, which spanned over two years, was led by Sergey Levine, Research Scientist, and Alexander Herzog, Staff Research Software Engineer at Google Research’s Brain […]

Hydrogen fuel cells can be adapted to make drug production greener

From University of Wisconsin-Madison 22/08/23 The world needs greener ways to make chemicals. In a new study, University of Wisconsin–Madison researchers demonstrate one potential path toward this goal by adapting hydrogen fuel cell technologies. These technologies are already used to power some electric vehicles, laptops and cell phones. “The chemical industry is a massive energy […]

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