By Superinnovators 10/08/23

German company Murtfeldt, has developed a no-moving-parts product turner that consists of a contoured shute which can rotate products by varying degrees as part of a manufacturing production line.

These turners are bespoke, configured in close cooperation with the clients, ensuring a high level of individuality and flexibility in designing the production line.

Product turner with drinks cans. Credit Murtfeldt

The Murtfeldt product turners are versatile and can handle various objects, including glass jars, cans, or folding boxes.

The format of the objects, whether bulbous, oval, square, or asymmetrical, determines the size and design of the product turner or twister.

Product turner with tuna cans. Credit Murtfeldt

The turners have an almost unlimited list of possible applications, playing an essential role in emptying, cleaning, filling, measuring, testing, printing, and many other working operations.

Angles and directions of rotation set no limits on the design and manufacture of Murtfeldt turners.

The design engineers at Murtfeldt are developing any number of rotation angles of over 45°, 90°, and 180°.

The limits are more likely to be set by the stability or sensitivity of the product to be turned over, such as glass, metal, plastic, or cardboard.

Product turner with boxed product. Credit Murtfeldt

Murtfeldt also designs multifunctional product turners that can process different but comparable products.

The design and benefits of a Murtfeldt product turner include simple assembly and disassembly, long service life, compliance with food industry regulations, and 100% reproducibility.

The low-friction properties, high wear resistance, and stainless steel connecting elements support hygienic requirements.

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