By Nanotech Energy, 21/11/22

The remarkable and unprecedented non-flammable qualities of Nanotech Energy‘s graphene-powered batteries have been demonstrated in spectacular fashion in a new abuse test.

A Nanotech Graphene-Powered Lithium-Ion Battery 18650 cell was shot by a 4.5BRA bullet at a speed of 2,917 feet per second.

Despite the ferocious force of impact, the battery did not catch fire and even still held a charge.

In contrast, a rival commercial battery 18650 cell shot by a 4.5BRA bullet at a speed of 2,915 feet per second immediately burst into flames and no longer held a charge.

Nanotech Energy’s Graphene Battery won an innovation award at this year’s CES

Dr. Jack Kavanaugh, CEO and chairman of Nanotech Energy, Inc., said: “In recent days and weeks, battery safety has been in the spotlight like never before.

The recent high-rise apartment fire in NYC is just one of many fires that have been caused by traditional lithium-ion batteries.

Battery technology is a significant part of the future of energy, but safety must be made paramount as we come to rely on it more as a society.

This is exactly why we are pioneering safe battery solutions.”  

Nanotech Energy’s Founders (from left to right): Dr. Richard Kaner (Chair of Scientific Advisory Board), Dr. Jack Kavanaugh (CEO), and Dr. Maher El Lady (CTO).

The results of the new abuse test reinforce earlier findings about Nanotech Graphene-Powered Lithium-Ion Batteries.

In the summer of 2022, they outperformed standard lithium-ion batteries in two other tests.

In a nail test, traditional lithium-ion batteries reached temperatures of 700°C in a fraction of a second.

In contrast, Nanotech Graphene-Powered Batteries remained intact, with no fire, no explosion, and only a small hole in the battery cell.

In a heat test, both batteries were warmed to extreme temperatures.

The traditional lithium-ion battery went through irreversible change and completely burned down at 150°C.

In contrast, when a Nanotech Graphene-Powered Battery was heated to 150°C it kept its performance for nearly two hours.

Even further heating the battery to 180°C caused cell venting, but no fires or explosions.

Dr. Jack Kavanaugh added: Nanotech is working across multiple industries to enable electrification where safety is most critical.

Our non-flammable batteries can completely transform consumer electronics, electric vehicles, home and stationary energy storage, drones, and the marine industry.”

Nanotech Energy’s proprietary non-flammable batteries are safe, long lasting and have an extreme operating temperature range of -40°C through to +60°C .

Nanotech can provide samples of graphene-powered battery cells in various pouch cell and cylindrical formats.

Nanotech Battery increased life compared with traditional Lithium-ion batteries

About Nanotech Energy

Nanotech Energy is on a mission to bring transformative, graphene-based, energy storage products from the research lab to the mass market.

Our very high surface area, single layer graphene material is already being used in multiple applications, including non-flammable lithium-ion batteries, transparent conducting electrodes, conductive inks, printed electronics, conductive epoxy, antistatic coatings and EMI (electromagnetic interference) shielding.

Founded in 2014 by noted UCLA scientists, Dr. Richard Kaner and Dr. Maher El-Kady, and entrepreneur Dr. Jack Kavanaugh, Nanotech Energy is headquartered in Los Angeles and is a privately held company backed by Multiverse Investment Fund, Fubon Financial Group and other strategic investors.

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