By Arthur ColpAert, Designer, 22/11/22

Brushing teeth is probably the most common ritual in our daily lives. We spend over 1400 minutes every year on it according to the Academy of General Dentistry. 

Based on these observations, I designed this double-sided toothbrush that allows people to reduce its usage time by 1/3.

The bristles on each side brush the upper and lower molars in a single movement. Its ergonomic handle allows a precise and efficient control.

Early sketch

Early protoypes

To measure its effectiveness, I have first tested the concept with a prototype and then I presented it to dentists and professionals.

Thanks to their feedback, I have improved the shape and the size of the head of the toothbrush, before using plasticine to shape the most effective handle and design a ready for manufacturing product.

Final concept

Colour range. (Note, not available to purchase)

Questions for you. Comment below

  1. First thought that comes into your head?
  2. Pros and cons according to you?
  3. Other applications of this approach?
  4. What could this be combined with?


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